Movement for Improvement


“Exercise is the single most powerful tool that you have to optimize your brain function.” – John Ratey, M.D.

This course covers the value of movement and exercise, with the benefits it provides to learning, health, behavior, classroom management in the classroom, and even a teacher’s ability to thrive in the teaching profession. In addition, ways to incorporate movement into instruction in and across all content areas are taught and practiced.


Additional information:

  • Normally we give professionals 6 months to complete this course. Send an email to and he will – free of charge – extend your deadline to 12 months so, if you want, you can buy now and wait until summer to start your class.
  • The recommended pace is to finish one lesson per week for 10 weeks
  • Audience: Pre-K through 12th grade educators, staff & administrators
  • Email us at if you need assistance or have questions.

DISCLAIMER: This class has been approved by UMass Global for 3 College Professional Development Graduate credits.



Learn the value of movement and exercise, with the benefits it provides to learning, health, behavior, classroom management, and even a teacher’s ability to thrive in the teaching profession!

This class is not mainly for your students – it is for YOU! You need to learn how to get your body moving (along with your students). We will show you how you can move even while sitting at your desk! You will see some amazing statistics that show the detriment to your lifespan if you, as a teacher, do not learn how to move your body in little, fun ways.