Types of LAUSD Salary Tables

In the Los Angeles Unified School district (LAUSD), there are a number of  salary tables that determine pay for teachers, administrators, and other staff members.

Annual salaries in the LAUSD are based primarily on a teacher’s education (degree and/or certification), number of years of experience, salary points earned (from professional development), number of paid days during the school year (A, B, C, or E basis), and special duties.

Earning LAUSD salary points can have a dramatic impact, not only on a teacher’s annual pay, but also on retirement benefits. And the quicker salary points are earned, the bigger the difference they make.

These are the LAUSD salary tables:


The T Table in the LAUSD is for teachers with regular credentials (i.e. non-emergency and non-intern). Teachers must have a bachelor’s degree or have specific vocational or industrial credentials. In the T Table, there are 10 levels of pay scale and 8 pay scale groups (which are based on the number of salary points a teacher has earned, ranging from no points to a maximum of 98 points).


The L Table in the LAUSD is for teachers with alternative certifications. Teachers must have a bachelor’s degree, as well as an alternative certification (e.g. emergency or intern), not regular credentials In the L Table, there are 10 levels of pay scale and 8 pay scale groups (which are based on the number of salary points a teacher has earned, ranging from no points to a maximum of 98 points).


The G Table in the LAUSD is for Certificated Administrators with master degrees. Teachers and administrators must have a master’s degree. In the G Table, there are five pay level scales and 21 pay scale groups.


The D Table in the LAUSD is for special services.

LAUSD Sub Table

The Sub Table in the LAUSD is for day-to-day substitutes serving in place of preparation salary table employees.


The THR Table in the LAUSD is for teacher hourly rates, flat hourly, regular schedule, and differential rates.


The C Table in the LAUSD is for development center, early education center, and substitute rates.


The J table in the LAUSD is for physicians, dentists, chest specialists, and psychiatrists.

LAUSD Unclassified Table

The Unclassified Table in the LAUSD is for certificated teacher assistants, counseling assistants, and part-time play ground positions.

A, B, C, and E Basis In The LAUSD Salary Tables

In the LAUSD salary tables, there are “A,” “B,” “C,” and “E” basis levels, which relate to the calendar. The “A” basis is for 260 paid days in a year. The “B” basis is for 221 paid days in a year. The “C’ basis is for 204 paid days in a year. The “E” basis is for 234 paid days in a year.

Education 4 Equity Online Professional Development Courses For LAUSD

At Education 4 Equity, we have a wide range of online LAUSD salary point classes, including 1-point, 2-point, and 3-point online courses. The professional development courses also qualify for graduate level credits.