Access to NGSS for All Students – Online Professional Development Course
This 2-credit online course is designed to give teachers a deeper look at the NGSS (Next Generation Science Standards) and provide strategies for how equity can be brought into the classroom by using the NGSS framework and practices.
LAUSD Course Code NA-18-62
UMass Global University Course Code: EDTU 9056
Course Description
If you believe that science is for all students, and you’d like to help close the achievement gaps between various groups of students, this online NGSS course is for you.
Statistics show concerning gaps between groups of students in their achievement of science standards, scientific literacy, interest in science careers, and preparedness for science fields. In 2013, the California State Board of Education adopted the NGSS for grades K-12 in order to bridge some of those gaps and improve science education for all students.
The NGSS is comprised of three cornerstones: core ideas, practices, and crosscutting (connections between Physical Science, Life Science, Earth and Space Science, and Engineering Design). The NGSS combines these three areas to form standards and performance expectations, in order to give students a cohesive understanding of science as they advance through classes and grade levels.
The main emphasis of this online NGSS class is to show you how to provide equity in your teaching practices, by incorporating NGSS standards.
Designed for all types of teachers, this online professional development course on providing equal access to NGSS for all students includes segments on:
- what is NGSS
- why NGSS
- NGSS and CCSS (Common Core State Standards)
- NGSS and equity
- strategies for teaching science to economically disadvantaged students
- strategies for teaching science to English learners
- strategies for teaching science to culturally diverse students
- strategies for teaching science to students with special needs / disabilities
- strategies for teaching science to girls
- strategies for teaching science to gifted and talented students
This 2-credit online course is approved by LAUSD for salary points and by other districts in California for professional development credits or graduate-level credits available through University of Massachusetts Global. You can check with your school district to find out which professional development credit type you need.
The course is comprised of 4 units. For each unit, you’ll read a lesson, watch a video, take a quiz, and complete an assignment. Throughout the professional development course, you’ll post your responses in an online discussion forum, for interaction with other teachers who are taking the online course.
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Learning Outcomes
In this online course, you’ll learn how to incorporate the NGSS (Next Generation Science Standards) framework and best practices into your teaching.
Number of Professional Development Credits / Salary Points
Teachers throughout California and the U.S. can earn 2 professional development credits by completing this online course or 2 graduate level credits (awarded through University of Massachusetts Global, formerly known as Brandman University). This course is also worth 2 salary points awarded by the LAUSD (Los Angeles Unified School District), depending on the credit type you choose.
Target Audience
This course is designed for all types of Pre-K through 12th grade teachers, including: early childhood education teachers, elementary school teachers, middle school teachers, high school teachers, special education teachers, staff, and administrators.
NA-18-62 is the LAUSD course code for Access to NGSS for All Students which you’ll need to use to get credit for salary points from the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD).
Additional Information/Questions
Here’s additional information about the Access to NGSS for All Students online professional development course:
- This course is 100% online – the coursework and interaction.
- You’ll have six months to complete all of your coursework from the date that you purchase this online course.
- Once you’ve successfully completed the Access to NGSS for All Students course, you’ll earn 2 LAUSD salary points, 2 professional development credits, or 2 graduate-level professional development credits.
If you have any questions about the Access to NGSS for All Students course, or any of our other professional development online courses, please email
Related Courses
If you’re interested in Access to NGSS for All Students you might also like these related online courses:
- STEAM Everyday for Everyone (1 credit / LAUSD Salary Point)
- Cognitively Guided Instruction (CGI) Math (1 credit / LAUSD Salary Point)
Disclaimer: This online professional development class has been approved by the LAUSD and UTLA Joint Salary Point Credit Committee. Please note, however, that the LAUSD does not endorse this online class provider over any other.