Creating a Conducive Learning Environment through Building Healthy Relationships (3 Credits)


PD Credits


Grad-level PD Credits

Creating A Conducive Learning Environment through Building Healthy Relationships – Online Professional Development Course

This 3-credit online course for teachers focuses on how to foster healthier relationships in the classroom, in order to create a more conducive learning environment.

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LAUSD Course Code: NA-17-07
UMass Global Course Code: EDCU 9560

Course Description

In a classroom full of students, relationships play an important role in creating a healthy environment that’s conducive to learning. Stress, bullying, and even teacher burnout can make it more difficult for students to learn. On the other hand, positive interactions, respect, inclusion, and tolerance can promote an optimal learning environment. If you’re looking for proven ways create a more conducive learning environment in your classroom, this online course is for you.

Designed for all types of teachers, this online professional development course covers a range of topics, including:

  • an understanding of how the brain works
  • basics on the structure and functioning of developing brains
  • stress and its impact on healthy development and learning
  • attachment theory and understanding how insecure relationships impact learning
  • psychosocial factors that can help create an optimal learning environment
  • building secure relationships with students
  • the effects of bullying and how to prevent bullying
  • the causes and effects of teacher burnout and how to avoid it
  • principles and practices of respect

In this course, participants will learn the interconnection of relationships, stress, and learning in order to create, through definite actions, a conducive learning environment. The development of the brain, with its parts and functions, will be taught, particularly as it relates to social functioning and learning. Attachment theory will be discussed, and classroom relationships evaluated as to whether they enhance or diminish the students’ capacity for learning.

This 3-credit online course is approved by LAUSD for salary points and by other districts in California for professional development credits or graduate-level credits available through University of Massachusetts Global. You can check with your school district to find out which professional development credit type you need.

The course is comprised of 11 units. For each unit, you’ll read a lesson, watch a video, take a quiz, and complete an assignment. Throughout the professional development course, you’ll post your responses in an online discussion forum, for interaction with other teachers who are taking the online course.


 “I did not expect to enjoy this course as much as I did. The information presented was interesting, and I think I learned many new ideas that will serve me well both on a personal and professional level.”
 Truly a great course for every teacher! We are teaching a different generation of students and this course helps to address their social and emotional needs that directly relates to their classroom success. Thank you for a great reminder of what we are here to do.”
 In every way this course relates to my job as a classroom teacher.  I have been incorporating many of the lessons from the course into my everyday classroom lessons.”
 “Thank you!  This course has had a huge impact on me, starting with this school year: I’m having so much fun teaching, more than I’ve had in years…interesting to discover that applying the many understandings and practices  offered in the course meant I’d enjoy my job even more.”
 “This class directly relates to not just my class but all classes. It should be a required class for all teachers. The class reinforced many of my current practices but also allowed me to see so many other ways in which I can create a more productive compassionate learning environment.”

“This class has the power to deliver an educator from toxic stress and ensure that a person’s teaching career is not only successful but happy and invigorating! The research outlined in this class on the social brain – is revolutionary! In addition, if teaching in a classroom can be likened to driving a car full of kids, then I feel I’ve been driving my car without a 4th wheel. This class gave me the 4th wheel I needed (which is the understanding of how to build healthy relationships in and outside of the classroom) to make my teaching experience a smooth ride. Why wasn’t this course offered to me before? This course is outstanding and I finally feel I have the missing piece to a successful teaching career! Thank you Education4Equity for creating an online course that revived my teaching passion.”

Learning Outcomes

in this online course, you’ll learn about students’ developing brains, the impacts of stress on learning, and how to foster healthy relationships in order to create a more conducive learning environment.

Number of Professional Development Credits / Salary Points

Teachers throughout California and the U.S. can earn 3 professional development credits by completing this online course or 3 graduate level credits (awarded through University of Massachusetts Global, formerly known as Brandman University). This course is also worth 3 salary points awarded by the LAUSD (Los Angeles Unified School District), depending on the credit type you choose.

Target Audience

This course is designed for all types of Pre-K through 12th grade teachers, including: early childhood education teachers, elementary school teachers, middle school teachers, high school teachers, special education teachers, staff, and administrators.

NA-17-07 is the LAUSD course code for Creating A Conducive Learning Environment, which you’ll need to use to get credit for salary points from the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD).

Additional Information/Questions

Here’s additional information about the Creating A Conducive Learning Environment online professional development course:

  • This course is 100% online – the coursework and interaction.
  • You’ll have six months to complete all of your coursework from the date that you purchase this online course. If you’re enrolled in three or more 3-credit online courses simultaneously, upon request, you’ll be allowed one year to complete the course.
  • Once you’ve successfully completed the Creating A Conducive Learning Environment course, you’ll earn 3 LAUSD salary points, 3 professional development credits, or 3 graduate-level professional development credits.

If you have any questions about the Creating A Conducive Learning Environment course, or any of our other professional development online courses, please email

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Disclaimer: This online professional development class has been approved by the LAUSD and UTLA Joint Salary Point Credit Committee. Please note, however, that the LAUSD does not endorse this online class provider over any other.


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Take this online course to earn 3 LAUSD salary points. Learn the interconnection of relationships, stress, and learning in order to create a conducive learning environment!

Additional information

Select Credit Type :

3 UMass Global Graduate-Level PD Credits, 3 Professional Development Credits, 3 LAUSD Salary Points