Emotional Intelligence and Wellness for Improved Learning (3 Credits)


PD Credits


Grad-level PD Credits

Emotional Intelligence – Online Professional Development Course

This 3-credit online course addresses the emotional health of our students and how to teach in such a way that fosters emotional intelligence and well-being for improved relationships and learning. Emotions are vital information for us and our students to learn to manage, and are inextricably involved in the learning process.

Click Here to View Syllabus

LAUSD Course Code NA-08-13
UMass Global University Course Code: EDDU 9839

Course Description

This course covers 10 main topics related to emotions in the context of learning:

1) The Neuroscience of Emotions
2) Emotions and Physical Health
3) Emotional Well-being for SOCIAL Health
4) Emotional Well-being and Learning
5) Lowering Students Affective Filter for Maximized Learning
6) Creating an Environment and Inner State within Students Conducive to Learning (R-U-L-E-R Emotions)
7) Heightening our Students’ “Emotional Quotient” (EQ)
8) Fostering Emotional Agility and Resiliency
9) Applying R-U-L-E-R of Emotions to Ourselves in the Teaching Profession
10) Building Capacity as a School for Emotional Health & Emotional Intelligence

Number of Professional Development Credits / Salary Points

Teachers throughout California and the U.S. can earn 3 professional development credits by completing this online course or 3 graduate level credits (awarded through University of Massachusetts Global, formerly known as Brandman University). This course is also worth 3 salary points awarded by the LAUSD (Los Angeles Unified School District), depending on the credit type you choose.

Target Audience

This course is designed for all types of Pre-K through 12th grade teachers, including: early childhood education teachers, elementary school teachers, middle school teachers, high school teachers, special education teachers, staff, and administrators.

NA-08-13 is the LAUSD course code for Emotional Intelligence, which you’ll need to use to get credit for salary points from the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD).

Additional Information/Questions

Here’s additional information about the Emotional Intelligence online professional development course:

  • This course is 100% online – the coursework and interaction.
  • You’ll have six months to complete all of your coursework from the date that you purchase this online course. If you’re enrolled in three or more 3-credit online courses simultaneously, upon request, you’ll be allowed one year to complete the course.
  • Once you’ve successfully completed the Emotional Intelligence course, you’ll earn 3 LAUSD salary points, 3 professional development credits, or 3 graduate-level professional development credits.

If you have any questions about the Emotional Intelligence course, or any of our other professional development online courses, please email help@education4equity.com.

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Disclaimer: This online professional development class has been approved by the LAUSD and UTLA Joint Salary Point Credit Committee. Please note, however, that the LAUSD does not endorse this online class provider over any other.


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This 3-credit online course addresses the emotional health of our students and how to teach in such a way that fosters emotional intelligence and well-being for improved relationships and learning.


Additional information

Select Credit Type :

3 UMass Global Graduate-Level PD Credits, 3 Professional Development Credits, 3 LAUSD Salary Points

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