Arts Integration for Equity and Excellence: Music (3 Credits)


PD Credits


Grad-level PD Credits

Arts Integration for Equity and Excellence (Music) – Online Professional Development Course

This 3-credit online course, designed for teachers of all grades, in all content areas, focuses on how to use music to uplift students, bridge cultural gaps, heighten student engagement, and improve classroom management.

Click Here to View Syllabus

LAUSD Course Code NA-01-117
UMass Global University Course Code: EDKU 9139

Course Description

If you love music and would like to bring it into your classroom to enhance your teaching, promote learning, and influence student behavior, you’ll enjoy this online course.

There’s real value in integrating arts into core content instruction, and music, in particular, can not only enrich core academic subjects, but also serve as a strong, unifying force.

In this professional development course for teachers, you’ll discover how music affects the brain and how it can be used to improve listening skills and bolster communication and collaboration across diverse cultures.

You’ll also become familiar with tools and resources that you can use to access, showcase, and produce music.

Designed for all types of teachers, this online professional development course on integrating music into teaching includes segments on:

  • the value of arts in education
  • attentive listening
  • music and its effect on the brain
  • music for classroom management
  • music for social and emotional learning
  • music for core academic instruction
  • music, identity, and multiculturalism

This 3-credit online course is approved by LAUSD for salary points and by other districts in California for professional development credits or graduate-level credits available through University of Massachusetts Global. You can check with your school district to find out which professional development credit type you need.

The course is comprised of 11 units. For each unit, you’ll read a lesson, watch a video, take a quiz, and complete an assignment. Throughout the professional development course, you’ll post your responses in an online discussion forum, for interaction with other teachers who are taking the online course.


  This course had a direct impact on my planning and classroom lesson delivery because it was practical and hands on.”
 “Everything discussed in the course is of great value especially the creation of the final portfolio piece.”
  “Every module was full of great and beneficial information that I can take away and use with my students in the classroom. I never knew how much music entailed and how essential it is until finishing this course.” 
 “I loved every single project and assignment in this course. I have learned so much and take new knowledge of which will enhance my teaching skills and views towards new ideas.”
  “This course has made an enormous impact in my teaching and planning for next school year. I am more aware and have the knowledge to seek the resources to implement music into my lessons with standard, strategies, and pedagogical skills which will promote an enriched learning environment for my students with special needs. I am privileged to share my knowledge and resources with grade level colleagues. Thank you in providing such a well structured course and excellent instructor.”

(5 Stars) “My district definitely values music and the arts when it comes to helping students have a holistic education experience. So I said to myself – ok – I will take a class on how to introduce music into my classroom. I envisioned the class talking about how to clap your hands to different beats to help you memorize math formulas. Well, that is all good, but this course opened my eyes to so much more, by teaching me how to use music for classroom management, emotional learning, instrument appreciation and even… silence appreciation. Take this course now and I guarantee a whole new world will open up to you on how to use music in your classroom to advance cognitive learning.

Learning Outcomes

In this online course, you’ll learn how to incorporate music into your teaching to heighten engagement and enhance classroom management.

Number of Professional Development Credits / Salary Points

Teachers throughout California and the U.S. can earn 3 professional development credits by completing this online course or 3 graduate level credits (awarded through University of Massachusetts Global, formerly known as Brandman University). This course is also worth 3 salary points awarded by the LAUSD (Los Angeles Unified School District), depending on the credit type you choose.

Target Audience

This course is designed for all types of Pre-K through 12th grade teachers, including: early childhood education teachers, elementary school teachers, middle school teachers, high school teachers, special education teachers, staff, and administrators.

NA-01-117 is the LAUSD course code for Arts Integration (Music), which you’ll need to use to get credit for salary points from the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD).

Additional Information/Questions

Here’s additional information about the Arts Integration (Music) online professional development course:

  • This course is 100% online – the coursework and interaction.
  • You’ll have six months to complete all of your coursework from the date that you purchase this online course. If you’re enrolled in three or more 3-credit online courses simultaneously, upon request, you’ll be allowed one year to complete the course.
  • Once you’ve successfully completed the Arts Integration (Music) course, you’ll earn 3 LAUSD salary points, 3 professional development credits, or 3 graduate-level professional development credits.

If you have any questions about the Arts Integration (Music) course, or any of our other professional development online courses, please email

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Disclaimer: This online professional development class has been approved by the LAUSD and UTLA Joint Salary Point Credit Committee. Please note, however, that the LAUSD does not endorse this online class provider over any other.

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Take this online course to earn 3 LAUSD salary points. Make learning come alive in your classroom through music!

Additional information

Select Credit Type :

3 UMass Global Graduate-Level PD Credits, 3 Professional Development Credits, 3 LAUSD Salary Points