Cognitively Guided Instruction Math (1 Credit)


PD Credits


Grad-level PD Credits

Cognitively Guided Instruction (CGI) Math – Online Professional Development Course

This 1-credit online course provides an introduction to Cognitively Guided Instruction (CGI) and how to integrate it into teaching mathematics in PreK-12.

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LAUSD Course Code: NA-13-841
UMass Global University Course Code: EDTU 9052

Course Description

More and more districts and schools are requiring that CGI be implemented into classrooms, and for good reason. Cognitively Guided Instruction has proven to be an effective teaching strategy. If you’re interested in what CGI is and how it can be applied to your students, or if you’ve been looking for online CGI math training, this course is for you.

At its core, CGI teaches you how to listen to your students in order to understand their thinking. Once you understand how students think, you can adjust your teaching and provide support for their mathematical learning.

In this online CGI math course, you’ll get an in-depth look at the foundational ideas behind CGI, the rationale for using it to teach math, and specific ways to practice it in your classroom. Once you learn the principles of CGI, you can apply them to any type of math curriculum.

Designed for preK-12 school teachers, this online professional development course on Cognitively Guided Instruction (CGI) for math includes:

  • an overview of CGI for math
  • examples of CGI in math (including activities and videos)
  • benefits of using CGI for math and examples of its success
  • how to use CGI (including examples of teacher and student interactions using CGI in math)
  • how to implement CGI (including specific examples of activities)
  • CGI and CCSS (aligning CGI with Common Core State Standards)

This 1-credit online course is approved by LAUSD for salary points and by other districts in California for professional development credits or graduate-level credits available through University of Massachusetts Global. You can check with your school district to find out which professional development credit type you need.

The course is comprised of 6 units. For each unit, you’ll read a lesson, watch a video, take a quiz, and complete an assignment. Throughout the professional development course, you’ll post your responses in an online discussion forum, for interaction with other teachers who are taking the online course.



  “This course provided me with a more in-depth look at what the foundational ideas are for CGI. Furthermore, I was able to really understand what Cognitively Guided Instruction is, what it looks like, and how it should be executed.
 “My District and my Principal want all teachers at my school to teach math using CGI. This course has built my confidence, enthusiasm, and understanding of how to teach CGI Math.”
  “Our school and district are planning on implementing CGI into classrooms so this course really helped me gain more knowledge about this subject. It was helpful to see strategies that are currently being used in classroom and it helped me develop an idea of how to begin incorporating it into my own class.” 
 “I know my school is going to start doing CGI and this course helped give me some good ideas and a solid foundation to build on!”
  “As a school we are performing very low in math, therefore, CGI is a very new practice at my school. This course has given me more confidence in implementing it.”


Learning Outcomes

In this online course, you’ll learn what Cognitively Guided Instruction (CGI) is and ways to implement it when you’re teaching math.

Number of Professional Development Credits / Salary Points

Teachers throughout California and the U.S. can earn 1 professional development credit by completing this online course or 1 graduate level credit (awarded through University of Massachusetts Global, formerly known as Brandman University). This course is also worth 1 salary point awarded by the LAUSD (Los Angeles Unified School District), depending on the credit type you choose.

Target Audience

This course is designed for preK-12 school teachers, staff, and administrators.

NA-13-841 is the LAUSD course code for Cognitively Guided Instruction (CGI) Math which you’ll need to use to get credit for salary points from the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD).

Additional Information/Questions

Here’s additional information about the Cognitively Guided Instruction (CGI) Math online professional development course:

  • This course is 100% online – the coursework and interaction.
  • You’ll have six months to complete all of your coursework from the date that you purchase this online course.
  • Once you’ve successfully completed the Cognitively Guided Instruction (CGI) Math course, you’ll earn 1 LAUSD salary point, 1 professional development credit, or 1 graduate-level professional development credit.

If you have any questions about the Cognitively Guided Instruction (CGI) Math course, or any of our other professional development online courses, please email

Related Courses

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Disclaimer: This online professional development class has been approved by the LAUSD and UTLA Joint Salary Point Credit Committee. Please note, however, that the LAUSD does not endorse this online class provider over any other.


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Take this online course to earn 1 LAUSD salary point.

Additional information

Select Credit Type :

1 LAUSD Salary Point, 3 Professional Development Credits, 1 Professional Development Credit, 3 UMass Global Graduate-Level PD Credits, 1 UMass Global Graduate-Level PD Credit

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